KV Sangathan Orders : "Central Government servants would be allowed to avail of CGHS facilities at the old station for a maximum period six months from the date of transfer of the Government servant to the non-CGHS area and that the government servant should make advance payment of the monthly CGHS contribution to his old office for a maximum period of six months"...
18, Institutional Area, S.J. Marg, New Delhi - 110602.
F.No.11086/3/2011/KVS/HQ[Admn.II] / 747
Date : 23.07.2012 / 20.03.2013
The Deputy Commissioner,
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan
All Regional Offices, ZIETs.
Sub :- Surrender of CGHS Cards - reg.
With reference to the subject cited above it has been observed that employees of KVS on their transfer/promotion/deputation to another establishment of KVS/KVs & other Deptts. under non-entitled category of CGHS are not surrendering CGHS cards timely for cancellation.
As per text of M.H & F.W.. O.M. No.4-36/99-C&P/CGHS/CGHS(P) dated 01.07.2005, CGHS facilities can be extended to the families of the Central government servants who continue to stay back at the old station in a CGHS covered area even after the transfer of the Government servant to a Non-CGHS are. This
would be subject to the condition that the families of such central Government servants would be allowed to avail of CGHS facilities at the old station for a maximum period six months from the date of transfer of the Government servant to the non-CGHS area and that the government servant should make advance payment of the monthly CGHS contribution to his old office for a maximum period of six months.
Employees, those who have left their family behind at the old place of posting and in receipt of CGHS facility may apply for necessary permission for a period of not more than 06 months (effective from date of transfer of the Govt Servant) with requisite subscription in advance to respective authority of KVS.
All concerned are requested to surrender the CGHS cards immediately to the Controlling Officer while becoming in-eligible for CGHS facility.
It is therefore requested to circulate the instructions to the all concerned for strict compliance in letter and spirit.
This issue with the approval of competent authority.
Yours faithfully,
Kumar Sharma)
Assistant Commissioner[Admn.]
Source : www.kvsangathan.nic.in
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