Friday, 16 August 2013


Postal Diary -2   by-Ajit Rajbangshi      
( Translation from my one published episode “SENDURIA HAHIR RANG ”   in Assamese Daily ‘Dainik Agradoot’on 03-03-2013 )

Colour Of Golden Smile :

Ramcharan afraid of because it was too late. It’s about 10.30am. Sub Postmaster Das da must rebuke him. Ramcharan joined in that double hand Sub post office as PA just six months ago. He used to attend office by public Bus from his home village regularly which is about 33 km away. Some time as there was no other way of Transportation if any damage occurred of the Bus then obviously he reached office late.

“Ramcharan , do you have any problem on road ?’’ SPM Das  said to him on his arrival to office. Already SPM Das started functioning in the counter works.
“Das da , on  road the Bus got some engine problem . So I am late today .” Said Ramcharan. SPM Das handed over the counter works  to Ramcharan and  started his regular works. There was Quee in counter for about half an hour. Ramcharan started working hard and the Quee got ended. After complete of BO Summary works Spm Das started works like dispatch , mail etc. Actually the day was Monday so there were queue in counter.
“ O Subas , where are you?”- called SPM das to GDS Packer man Subas.
“ Yes sir , I am here.” –told Subas.
“ Today lots of works . My engine will fail if not have one peg of wine. Subas, please bring one Half bottle of DS from market.’’ Subas went away to market for SPM’s wine. Ramcharan looked , the mater is not good. Having wine during office hours is so bad habit. In PTC it was learnt not to have drink during office hours which is punishable. But SPM Das da is too senior to him. But yet he told to Das da, “ Das da, will you take wine in office ? You should take in home with masti.’’
“ What happen Ramcharan ? Nothing to be worry . Do you know without one peg my engine will fail today.’’ SP M das da added.
            SPM Das took some pegs in near tea shop. After some time he seems to be like a young man. As if he will perform all office works, why needed another hand in the office ? But where he will hide the age? His eyes become red and started to speak unwanted in the office. Das felt uneasy. There was a bench inside room of the office . SPM das used to sleep a while in that bed.  Actually such kind of happening was regular in that Post office. Ramcharan always asked not to have drink in office hours . But always in vain, no change of SPM Das in drinking.
            After office hours all left office. Ramcharan asked , “ Das da, will you be able to go home alone ?’’
“ don’t   mind Ramcharan,,  ha ha—don’t mind,, nothing happen – I will go some how- ha ha..’’
What to do Ramcharan ?  How he would teach SPM das da ? no answer with him. He left for the last Bus.  Sometime Das da said-he must give up  drinking – must – but when ?

            Days going gradually. One day Ramcharan went to home of SPM das da. He wanted to know about family of him. That was a nice Sunday. Das da and his family were much delighted seeing Ramcharan in their door. Das da called at once to his wife, “Minti, come come , see my colleague Ramcharan coming , what a good day for us ?” . Ramcharan got in to the drawing room and had a glass of water. He introduced with Jimlee , daughter of Das da and Rantu , son . Jimlee was class-V student.
Das da told , “Mr. Ramcharan you have come in right time , I will show you a beautiful thing today .”
“What Das da?” – asked Ramcharan.
“Please wait , don’t mind , I am coming from near market immediately  . Please be seated, you must have day food today here .” Das da went away for market. Ramcharan thought a while –what beautiful thing he wants to show ??
“ with one son & daughter – a happy family, but the unexpected drinking habits make our home like the hell , how many times we request him to give up such habit , but all are in vain, no fruitful results . Can not you say him something to avoid wine ?” –said with sorrow Mrs. Das to Ramcharan. “Madam , we always try , but failed a lot . Das da always said in positive but do always in negative. Madam, we must try again . ” –told Ramcharan. Das madam prepared light food for Ramcharan. Though Das da said he would come back immediately but it was about one and half hour late. Why so late ? Why ? Ramcharan used to peep through window, yes Das da coming back with a new ladies bicycle , but having some pegs of wine with unstable walking . Looking new bicyle  daughter Jimlee ran to him “-–papa papa – my new cycle –my new cycle- ba ba –ha ha –my new beautiful cycle—” . Jimlee secured highest marks in exam among all students in their school and this new bicycle was gift for his beloved daughter. Jimlee was too joyful and called with laughing to her near friends – “Bablu , Dimpi , my new cycle- my new cycle –”  . With unstable walk Das da came into room and also used to speak , “look Mr. Ramcharan , Look , ----Jimlee my love--ly  daughter , ---how mu--ch she hap--py today ? Look her nic--e laughing ??”   Ramcharan understood –what beautiful thing Das da wanted to show him-the nice beautiful joyous  laughing of Jimlee. Das Madam seeing him drunken one used to rebuke angrily – “what  non-sence  ? Today here in home our respected guest and you are having wine – oh no , what will I do – what will I do ? See Ramcharan , when will he change ? Please don’t mind , please --” . Madam used to cry and sat down at floor.  Ramcharan was  upset what to do now. After a while he said to Das , “Das da , listen. Don’t mind . Though you are senior to me I must say to you . You show me the beautiful thing –the joyous nice laughing of Jimlee on having gift –a new bicycle. But how much time it will remain Das da? Don’t you ever want to see such nice joyous laughing in face of Madam or all members of the Family ? Das da , no late more please , Give up drinking , avoid wine.. then you will look such joyous moments in each of your near and dear. Das da , Understand ?”

             By- Ajit Rajbangshi, SPM, kamarkuchi SO under Nalbari HO-781347.
             Tel-098591-25146// 08822973987.

                         (Special Thanks to T. Shukla Sir, Post Master,  Nalbari H.O)


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About Me

Working as a Postal Assistant from March 28, 2011 Karimnagar Head Post Office and worked as Divisional treasurer for NFPE Union from February 03, 2013 to April 19, 2015.