When you go traveling you will probably want to take your laptop with you because it gives you so much freedom. If you want to speak to family members you just need to jump on Skype and you will only be a few clicks away from them. You can work whenever you want, so even when you’re sitting at the beach you can be getting paid for it. The only thing you have to worry about is keeping it safe and we’re going to look at a few ways you can accomplish this right now.
Get a Lock to Protect Your Laptop
I’m not saying you would ever try and steal someone’s laptop, but if you attempted it would you want to take the table with you too? That is what someone else would need to do if they wanted to take your laptop, but only if you had it locked up. You just need to buy a gadget that connects it to something big and heavy. If someone wanted to take the laptop on its own they would cause some serious damage and it would be impossible for them to use.
Backup Your Data
It’s a good idea to backup your data you don’t want to lose because you never know when something could go wrong. The best thing you can do is sign up to a cloud storage service. All the good ones don’t even cost you anything unless you’re using up a lot of storage space. Whenever you’re connected to the Internet your data will be picked up and carried into the cloud so you can sleep easy at night.
Track its Whereabouts
What are the chances of you ever finding your laptop once someone has ran away with it? In the past it would be like looking for a needle in a haystack, but not anymore because it’s easy to install tracking software and as soon as anyone comes online you can pinpoint exactly where they are. You would just need to get the police to recover it for you. This won’t work in every single country, but it’s important to have so all hope is not lost.
Keep in Hidden
Do you know how much your laptop is worth to poor people in third-world countries? It’s maybe worth half a paycheck to you, but to them it could feed and shelter their whole family for months and months if they sold it. You don’t want to dangle a carrot in front of their face because someone might try and take a bite. If you were walking down a dark road at night and someone pulled a gun out on you there is nothing you could do. Carry it in a bag and keep it hidden when possible.
Is There a Safe Available?
If you’re staying at a nice hotel there should be a safe available in your room. If you are staying in a beach hut there still might be a safe behind the reception desk. You want to try and keep your laptop in the safe if possible, although it might not be possible if it’s too big. This is even more crucial when you’re staying in cheap accommodation, because if someone sees you using a laptop during the day they will break into your room as soon as you go out at night.
Protect Your Laptop When Traveling By Protecting your Passwords
When you go away you will need to take all your passwords with you. It might be easy for someone to hack into your files and if you have all the passwords sitting in a .txt document they will be found. If you use a password manager it means you can throw everything inside and you will only need to remember one master password, so nobody in the world will be able to get access to any of your important data. This is a great way to protect your laptop when traveling, providing your laptop is not stolen completely.
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