A meeting of the Circle Union of All India Postal Employees Union GDS (NFPE) was held at Bilaspur (H.P.) on 03 March 2013 (Sunday) in which 8 Divisions out of 9 Divisions in Himachal Pradesh Circle participated under the Chairmanship of Com. Prem Prakash Mehta Circle Secretary P-IV Union Himachal Pradesh Circle.
The following Circle body has been elected unanimously and assumed the charge of Circle union as Adhoc body in Himachal Pradesh:
Circle President : Com. Surender Kumar Sharma, GDS BPM Raipur
Sr. Vice President : Com. Mukand Lal, GDS MD , Chambaghar.
Vice President- I : Com. Rajeev Sharma, GDS BPM Balahar
Vice President-2 : Com. Nitya Nand, GDS MD Dimber.
Circle Secretary : Com. Virender Sharma, GDS MD Pandoa
Dy. Circle Secretary : Com. Kamal Kishore, GDS MD Chailly
Asstt. Circle Secy.-1: Com. DilipSingh , GDS BPMLoharly
Asstt. Circle Secy.-2 Com. Kamal Mahajan, GDS BPM, Manur
Asstt. Circle Sec y.-3 Com. Sohan Singh GDS BPM Half Churani.
Asstt. Circle Secy.-4 Com. Ram Singh, GDS MDBagher.
Circle Treasurer : Com. Buta Ram, GDS MDSur Surnhar
Asstt. “ : Com. Kishan Lal, GDS MD Bychere
Org. Secretary-1 : Com. Rajender Kumar, GDS BPM Balgahar.
Org. Secretari-2 : Com. Jia LalGDS MD Bruary Kunihar, Solan
Org. Secretary-3 : Com. Sita Ram, GDS MD Raura Sector Bilaspur.
Auditor : Com. Shashi Pal. Jukhala, Bilaspur.
Asstt. Auditor : Com. Nanda Lal, GDS MD Korlu(Bilaspur)
Comrade Dipender Sharma has been appointed /elected as Chief Advisor of the Union.
CHQ AIPEU-GDS (NFPE) conveys its heartfelt greetings and congratulations to all the office bearers, GDS comrades & NFPE comrades of Himachal Pradesh Circle.
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