Wednesday 15 August 2012


1.         The Right to information bill having been passed by both houses of parliament received the assent of the president on

            a)         12 Oct 2005                                                   b)         13 Oct 2005  
            c)         15 Jun 2005                                                   d)         None of these            Ans:c

2.         The RTI act enacted by parliament in the

            a)         55th  of the republic of India              b)         54th  of the republic of India
            c)         56th of the republic of India                           d)         None of these            Ans:c

3.         RTI act extends to the

a)                 Whole India                                       
b)                 Whole India except nagaland , tribal area & Jammu and Kashmir
c)                  Whole India except Nagaland , tribal area
d)                 Whole India except Jammu and Kashmir                                                   Ans:d

4.         Sec 4,5,12,13,15,16.24.27 & 28 of RTI act come into force at once, ad the remaining provisions of this act shall come into for on

            a)         15 Jun 2005                                                   b)         12 Oct 2005
            c)         The one hundred and twentieth day of its enactment
            d)         Above B&C                                                                                                   Ans: d

5.         Appropriate government means in relation to a public authority which is established, constituted, owned, controlled or substantially financed by funds provided directly or indirectly by

a)         The Central government                               b)         The State government
c)         Union territory administration                       d)         All the above              Ans:d(2a)

6.         Mark the correct option relating to competent authority means:-

            a)         The president or the governor in case of constituted by or under the constitution         b)            Speaker in case of house of people
            c)         The chief justice of high court in case of a high court
            d)         Chief justice of India in case of supreme court                                         
e)         All the above                                                                                                  Ans:e(2e)

7.         Information means  any material in any form
            a)         Records, documents, memos                     b)         Opinions & advices
            c)         Circulars, orders, reports                             d)         All the above              Ans:d(2f)

8.         Record include

a)                 Any document, manuscript and file
b)                 Any microfilm , microfiche and facsimile copy of a document
c)                  Any other material produced a computer or any other device
d)                 All the above                                                                                                  Ans:d(2i)

9.         Right to information means

a)                 Inspection of work, documents, records
b)                 Taking notes, extracts or certified copies of documents or records
c)                  Taking a certified samples of material.
d)                 Obtaining information in the form of diskettes, flppoies, tapes
e)                 All the above                                                                                                  Ans:e(2j)

10.       Information commissions are

            a)         Central information commission                 b)         State information commission         c)            District information commission                  d)         A& B only
            e)         All the above                                                                                                  Ans:d
 Published by :
11.       A person other than the citizen making a request to information and includes a public authority
            a)         Complainant                                                  b)         Consumer
            c)         Third party                                                      d)         A&B                            Ans:c(2n)

12.       Every public authority shall designate as many officers as

            a)         Central information officer                b)         Central public information officer
            c)         State public information officer        d)         B&C only                                Ans:d(5)

13.       Every public authority shall designate an officer at each sub divisional level

            a)         Central Asst. public information officers/State Asst. public information officer
b)         Central information/State information officer
c)         Central public information officer/State public information officer
d)         All the above                                                                                                  Ans: a(5)

14.       Under RTI act the language of an application may be

            a)         In English                                            b)         In Hindi          
            c)         In Regional language                        d)         All the above              Ans: d(6)

15.       Request for obtaining information the application is being made to

a)                 The central public information officer/State public information officer.
b)                 The central Asst public information officer/State Asst. public information officer
c)                  Either A&B as the case may be
d)                 None of these                                                                                                Ans:c(6)

16.       An applicant making request for information

a)                 Should be give the reason why the information sought for
b)                 Shall not be give any reason for requesting the information or any other personal details except those that may be necessary for contacting him.
c)                  None of these                                                                                                Ans:b(6)

17.       Where an application is made to a public authority requesting for an information which is held by another public authority, or the subject matter of which is more closely connected with the functions of another public authority the application shall be transferred to the concerned authority not latter than____ of receipt of the application.

            a)         30 days                                                          b)         10 days
            c)         3 days                                                             d)         5 days                         Ans:d(6)

18.       The request information should normally be made within

            a)         48 Hrs                                                             b)         24 Hrs
            c)         30 days                                                          d)         45 days                      Ans:c(7)

19.       The information sought for concerns the life or liberty of a person, the same shall be provided within_____ of receipt of the application.

            a)         48 Hrs                                                             b)         24 Hrs
            c)         72 Hrs                                                             d)         At the same time      Ans:a(7)

20.       If the information central/state public information office as the case  may be fails to give decision within the period 30 days

a)                 Shall be deemed to have transferred the application to higher authority
b)                 Should be wait for another thirty days
c)                  Shall be deemed to have refused the request
d)                 None of these                                                                                                Ans:c(7)

Published by :
21.       Mark the correct option

a)                 Where the access to information is to be provided in the printed or in any electronic format, the applicant shall pay such fee as may be prescribed
b)                 No such fee shall be charged from the persons whore are below poverty line
c)                  The information shall be provided the information free of charge where a public authority fails to comply with the time limits specified.
d)                 Before taking the decision consideration of third party representation is necessary
e)                 All the above                                                                                                  Ans:e(7)

22.       The following information’s are exemption from disclosure

            a)         Information disclosure of which would prejudicially affect the sovereignty and              integrity ofIndia
            b)         Information which has been expressly forbidden to be published by any court              of law or tribunal.
            c)         Information the disclosure of which would cause a breach of privilege of                                  parliament or the state legislature
            d)         Information commercial confidence, trade secrets or intellectual property , the                        disclosure of which would harm the competitive position of third party.
            e)         All the above                                                                                                  Ans:e(8)
23.          Third party shall be made his representation within

               a)      5 days                                                             b)         45 days
               c)      10 days                                                          d)         3 days                         Ans:c(11)

24.          Constitution of central information commission the central government shall be made by

               a)      Notification                                                     b)         Circular
               c)      Notification by official gazette                      d)         None of these            Ans:c(12)

25.          The central information commission shall consist of

a)           The chief information commissioner
               b)      Central information commissioner not exceeding ten
               c)      All of these                                                     d)         None of these            Ans:c(12)


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Working as a Postal Assistant from March 28, 2011 Karimnagar Head Post Office and worked as Divisional treasurer for NFPE Union from February 03, 2013 to April 19, 2015.